Before we start I will explain how the interface works. At the top left corner you have a portrait of the character which you´re currently playing as. Press the portrait to quickly find information about your current diplomatic situation and your family, note that do start diplomatic engagements with any of the characters in the game you simply right click on the portrait and choose the picture of a scroll. Let´s start with the council. You have 5 different agents at your disposal which all have various tasks to deal with and special mission you can send them on.

Note also that both their opinion of you and their skill at the job they´re currently assigned to makes out their effectiveness in that position.First we have the chancellor which works like your messenger. In the law section you can, of course change the laws in your country but you can also view your heir and your pretenders, your heir is the person who would get the crown if you died and the pretenders are the second and third person in row, they tend to be troublemakers.I won’t go into detail on all the laws but I can at least talk a little about the crown laws: If you have a kingdom or an empire you can have crown laws, you start with minimum crown authority but can work your way up to a larger amount of authority. However note that you can only change one crown law per regent and changing a crown law will give your vassals a -30 opinion penalty against you which will go away later but it´s good to have that in mind before changing any crown laws. From the military tab you manage your armies.

First we have the levies which comes from you and your vassals,then we have the mercenaries which are armies that you can hire for gold, they are quite expensive and will crash your economy if you don’t have a strong economy. Note also that the mercenaries will disband or even attack you if don’t have any gold to provide them.After a 100 years or so, holy orders will start popping up, they work like mercenaries but come in bigger numbers and cost piety rather than gold to hire, note however that they won’t fight anyone with the same religion as them. You can also raise your navy which is used as army transportation (I am sorry, no pirates of the Caribbean action here). To be able to play Crusader kings 2 you need to be able to know how the countries work. Take for example France. First we have the counties which Is just a single region. Then we have the duchies which consists of 2 or more counties and then we have the kingdoms which consist of duchies.


Therefor the king himself doesn’t own all the land but rather is the land divided out on his vassals. Note also that one region consist of one or more holdings, holdings are for example towns, baronies and churches. You want to give out these smaller holdings on all of your vassals.

Now you might be wondering:.gasp. when are the wars coming? Am I ever going to take a province or what?

There will be times when you will be required to analyse large amounts of data and produce easy to read and understand reports. Pivot tables allow us to analyse such data and produce reports that meet our business reporting requirements.In this tutorial, we are going to cover the following topics;.What is a Pivot Table?A Pivot Table is a summary of a large dataset that usually includes the total figures, average, minimum, maximum, etc.

Let's say you have a sales data for different regions, with a pivot table, you can summarize the data by region and find the average sales per region, the maximum and minimum sale per region, etc. Pivot tables allow us to analyse, summarize and show only relevant data in our reports.

Step by Step tutorial on creating pivot tablesThe image below shows the sample sales data collated from North wind access database.You can download the sample Excel data here.As you can see from the above image, our spreadsheet contains a lot of data. Let's say we want to create a summary of customers, group all of their orders by product, and show the quantities, unit price and subtotals for all the transactions. Open the Excel file that you downloaded. Click on INSERT tab on the ribbon. You will get the following window. Click on the select table/range button as shown in the image above. You will get the following mini window.


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Select the following fields. CompanyName. Product Name. UnitPrice. Quantity. SubTotal.

Your worksheet should now look as follows. Note the above data has been grouped by customer company name, product name, unit price, sum of quantities and the sum of the subtotals. Notice the drop down button next to Rows Labels.

This button allows us to sort/filter our data. Let's assume we are only interested in Alfreds Futterkiste.

Click on the Row Labels drop down list as shown below. Remove the tick from (Select All). Select Alfreds Futterkiste. Click on OK button. You will get the following data2-Dimensional pivot tablesA two-dimensional pivot table is a table that has fields on both rows and columns. Let's say we want to list employee names as rows and use columns to represent customer names and fill in the cells with the total sales. Activate the Sales Datasheet.

Click on INSERT tab. Click on Pivot Chart & Table button. Select all the data. Excel should now remember the previous range so you just have to click on OK button. Download de jogos para computador.

A new sheet will be created with the pivot table tools. Select the fields as shown in the image belowYour pivot table will now look as follows.

Visualizing pivot table data using chartsWith Excel 2013, you do not need to create the charts manually. Excel will create the charts for you as you create your pivot tables, change aggregate functions, apply filters, etc.The chart below was automatically created for us from the simple pivot chart exercise that filtered data for Alfreds Futterkiste only.SummaryPivot tables and charts enable us to summarize and analyse large datasets. We can use aggregate functions such as SUM, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, AVERAGE, etc. The charts are automatically created and updated for us by excel as we work with the data.