1. Wow Private Server Download

05:00 PMPosted by Knew one of these was coming. Blizz wasn't doing progression we all knew that.

It's simply too much work. They're putting in to much work right now NOT to invest in progression/tuning.

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There are too many negative aspects of releasing everything the game had all at once, circa 1.12.1, to say 'have at it people!' It would be a mockery of the whole project. Back in Vanilla, only like 1% of the people ever saw Naxx to begin with. Do you think the majority of the people playing the Classic servers are going to be hardcore raiders? The majority of people will just want to play classic again for nostalgia or to see what it was all about back then, not because of the hardcore raiding scene.

They're appealing to those people by giving the best version of Vanilla. 05:42 PMPosted. Also some of them 'dying' has been the playerbase finding out exactly how shady the devs/admins running them are.

The recent rash of fresh servers is due to a cash grab before classic releases. Doesn't help that anyone and everyone can run their own Vanilla WoW server. Since Nostalrius ended up releasing the emulator and what not for it. They gave their work and database to Ely after they were shut down. Which turned out to be some of the shadiest admins to date. I suspect they all are to a degree.

Thats a lot of work. Nost then asked them to stop using their database. (Nost toons could be copied from Nost to ely in the begining until this) Ely 'complied' and stopped copying those Nost refugee toons and 'allegedly' didn't use their database or code.(yet notes in the code were in french lol) Ely then got caught up in the whole selling gold, items, level 60 toons, and one admin admitted in a discord that she embezzled $6k for personal holiday from the donations being used to fund the server. This caused a split. Some of the admins stole the database and wiped it. They then started up LH.

Ely in turn somehow got their server and database back and then released the entire thing on github. Now its all about the next fresh server. Didnt mean for this to be that long. Thats recent pserver history though. Thank god blizz is finally doing this.

05:00 PMPosted by Knew one of these was coming. Blizz wasn't doing progression we all knew that. It's simply too much work. They're putting in to much work right now NOT to invest in progression/tuning. There are too many negative aspects of releasing everything the game had all at once, circa 1.12.1, to say 'have at it people!' It would be a mockery of the whole project.

Time released raids and tune the lower content to a vanilla like level. They were never going to start with 1.1 and go thru every single change that was in vanilla. That is just pointless. Add broken stuff just to fix broken stuff later for authenticity's sake? 06:07 PMPosted by What is the point of making it 1.1 difficulty so that only 10 people will see 90% of the end game content, and everyone else won't even touch it? The game was put up or shut up.

Only the people who were willing to dedicate afternoons of booze-filled fun with people on voice chat could get anywhere or do anything. Filthy casuals were called casual for a reason.

If you truly want Vanilla, then you have to accept that the majority of players will never see the high end raid content, so the smart move is to appeal to the masses who want the most content filled and balanced patch. You can't have it both ways, if you want them to appeal to raiders and progression then they'd have to make it easier and add LFG tools and all and then you lose what made Vanilla raiding unique. 05:00 PMPosted by Knew one of these was coming. Blizz wasn't doing progression we all knew that. It's simply too much work. So progressive was too much work but rebalancing ALL content like 5 mans, raids, while having the original release structure/time gating to make this work and be a 2.5 year game like Vanilla was is not too much work? You think they are really doing that?

That is why I say it's doomed. This is just going to be like what is already out there. 6 month tour with only Naxx as a challenge. Casual players may not as well bother.

By the time they are leveled people will be clearing tier 2. They don't have years to clear things, because this isn't real WoW and not close to a real Vanilla WoW experience they promised. Not all people that want vanilla again give a rat's!@# about progressing faster than others by the way. Some people just miss the fact that the leveling experience used to be more difficult and time consuming, give your character more life, longevity and a better sense of progression. It's not all about being world first at progression (since in reality that content was cleared like what.a decade and a half ago or so?). For many, it's about the journey. Try not to be too emo about the whole thing since this is only the first announcement they've made about classic at this point.

You seem like you'd rather them not do it at all. Why don't you let Blizzard decide if it's too much work or not. Don't concern yourself with their workload or time management, and focus more on whether or not it will be worth it to YOU to play it. I can agree that they should have jumped on this hype train a very long time ago, and dragging it out any longer than it has to is only hurting the cause. If they take forever to release it and it's not anything close to what people are expecting, then it WILL be a waste of their time and everyone else's. 05:00 PMPosted by Knew one of these was coming.

Blizz wasn't doing progression we all knew that. It's simply too much work. If it's too much work then why do it at all? Private servers offer the same thing for free and they all die in 6 months. What are people even waiting for? Go faceroll and rush to Naxx in 6 months.

Bring 4-5 warriors and 4-5 rogues. The other classes can all AFK the first two tiers.

Then go do it all over again and again and again. Then pay for the same broken, flawed experience? Private servers offer an imitation that is not raid tuned. Blizzard is giving us a 1.12 core, that means classes, abilities and content.

Raid tuning is required no matter what core you use, because for example if they used a 1.3 core, then they would need to heavily nerf a raid like naxx because it would be factually impossible with the OG era classes. Its likely that due to the unpopular nature of the 1.11 threat management that it will not be included; this is one of those things that breaks the private servers, and they all insist on using it because every one wants to be a DPS warrior build. The time for that has been played out on the private servers.

They know what's coming and are already making plans to swap over to TBC because they know they are not going to be able to compete with Vanilla hosted by Blizzard. This following prediction is something I have posted before, so here you have it. 1.12 Classes Pre 1.11 tanking / threat management Raid tuning of bosses - meaning increasing their health pools and damage / raid damage done. Additionally increasing the health and damage of the trash mobs.

These HARSHLY change the meta that is popular on the private servers to something a lot more authentic vanilla. There will be a learning curve for even the best players, and a lot of players who can clear the private server encounters now who will unavoidably fail for a long time on Blizzard's Authentic Classic. I know you don't expect to see a 1.12 client as challenging, but it will be.

06:28 PMPosted. The game was put up or shut up.

Only the people who were willing to dedicate afternoons of booze-filled fun with people on voice chat could get anywhere or do anything. Filthy casuals were called casual for a reason.

If you truly want Vanilla, then you have to accept that the majority of players will never see the high end raid content, so the smart move is to appeal to the masses who want the most content filled and balanced patch. You can't have it both ways, if you want them to appeal to raiders and progression then they'd have to make it easier and add LFG tools and all and then you lose what made Vanilla raiding unique. Appealing to the masses is not what this should all be based on. They've already done that with live servers:) This is where they need to stand firm and people need to accept that maybe vanilla isn't for them.

Wow Private Server Download

People that cried and whined that they don't have enough time to play the game is a lot of the reason why live servers have turned into what they are today. If they classic falls under the current subscription, then people that already pay and like live will likely stay there and play. The ones that want vanilla will play there under the same subscription (likely a lot of returning players if Blizzard gets it right).

Build Status:LinuxWindowsCodacy StatusVANILLA WOW BRANCH A World of Warcraft server for Vanilla WoWMangos is open source project, built in, it's fast, runs on multipleplatforms, can store game data in. It also hasoptional support for SOAP, and aims to be 100% compatible within its vanilla versions, namely and.If you liked the first incarnation of and still want to play, this is the branch for you. We provide an authenticationserver where you can manage your users, and a world server which serves gamecontent just like the original did back then.On top of that each update is built by as you can see by theimage next to the chapter's heading!

We do love green builds, and working things.To complement this, we push builds through to find and fix anypossible security issues.World of Warcraft, and all World of Warcraft or Warcraft art, images, and lore arecopyrighted by RequirementsThe Mangos server supports a wide range of operating systems, and variouscompiler platforms. In order to do that, we use various free cross-platformlibraries and use to provide a cross-platform build system whichadapts to your chosen operating system and compiler. Operating systemsCurrently we support running Mangos on these operating systems:. Windows, 32 bit and 64 bit.

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Server 2008 (or newer) or Windows 7 (or newer) is recommended. Linux, 32 bit and 64 bit.

And arerecommended. Other distributions with similar package versions will work, too. BSD, 32 bit and 64 bit., andare recommended.Of course, newer versions should work, too. In the case of Windows, matchingserver versions will work, too. CompilersBuilding Mangos is currently possible with these compilers:.Microsoft Visual Studio (Express^1), 32 bit and 64 bit.

Bothand the Express editions of aresupported. Only Visual Studio 2012 and above are now officially supported.Microsoft Windows SDK, 32 bit and 64 bit. The isrecommended, as older versions lack compiler features required to buildthe server.Clang, 32 bit and 64 bit. The can be used on anysupported operating system.^2DependenciesThe Mangos server stands on the shoulders of well-known Open Sourcelibraries, and a few awesome, but less known libraries to prevent us frominventing the wheel again.Please note that Linux and Mac OS X users should install packages usingtheir systems package management instead of source packages. MySQL / PostgreSQL: to store content, and user data, we rely on/ and to handle data.

ACE: the aka. ACE provides uswith a solid cross-platform framework for abstracting operating systemspecific details. Recast: in order to create navigation data from the client's map files,we use to do the dirty work.