Webfont KitThe license for this font is the SIL OFL license. This license does not allow us to redistribute derivative versions of the font without wholesale name changes inside and out of the font. Until we figure out a reasonable method of delivering these to you and complying with the license, you will have to use the yourself on these, renaming the fonts appropriately.If you are the designer of this font, and this was an unintended consequence of using the OFL license, and give us permission to allow webfont conversions.


Nanum Gothic Coding — MNThe monospace fontsfromthe directory. Nanum Gothic Codingby SandollNanum Gothic Coding is a contemporary monospaced sans-serif typeface with a warm touch, and it is expertly hinted for screen use.

It is part of the Nanum fonts (나눔글꼴) – a set of high quality Unicode fonts designed especially for the Korean-language script “Hangeul” that also support Latin. Designed by Sandoll Communications (산돌 커뮤니케이션) and Fontrix (폰트릭스,) and published by Naver (네이버.)Lorem IpsumMaecenas eros augue, lobortis vitae dolor vulputate, fringilla maximus tortor. Praesent varius tellus nec tellus consequat mattis. Etiam porttitor, diam ac laoreet pretium, nisl urna blandit lorem, a porttitor arcu leo eu dolor. Nulla neque libero, lacinia eget magna eget, varius sodales leo. Aenean eget mauris eget sapien volutpat luctus. Praesent elit nulla, vestibulum sed aliquet ut, malesuada quis libero.

Nanum Gothic Coding

Sed ex sapien, maximus id nulla scelerisque, fringilla dictum enim. Mauris laoreet blandit metus, ac aliquam ligula placerat ac.Nullam eu nibh interdum, molestie odio non, placerat velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut pulvinar hendrerit nunc vel varius. Proin dolor enim, iaculis ut dictum non, imperdiet sed purus. Pellentesque tortor enim, elementum congue sollicitudin at, pretium nec libero. In lacus dolor, facilisis id vulputate at, consectetur nec mi.


Praesent quis magna ut nunc sagittis vehicula et eu urna. Pellentesque aliquam nisi at dolor euismod, id aliquet ante rhoncus.Etiam vitae ligula quis turpis elementum molestie ut vitae eros. Integer ut cursus diam. Suspendisse tempus lectus eget mauris mattis, a ultrices sapien ultricies. Sed viverra dictum diam, vel volutpat eros vestibulum at. In faucibus justo eget tortor bibendum, vitae semper ex rhoncus.

Nam gravida, justo nec fermentum pretium, tortor est fringilla eros, ut malesuada leo ipsum quis odio. Curabitur placerat erat lacus, a dictum tellus sagittis ac.

Proin hendrerit, turpis nec interdum auctor, lorem dolor vestibulum nibh, id tristique turpis velit et urna.Made.

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