Contents.Background Written in haste in a six-week period, L'elisir d'amore was the most often performed opera in Italy between 1838 and 1848 and has remained continually in the international. Today it is one of the most frequently performed of all Donizetti's operas: it appears as number 13 on the list of the most-performed operas worldwide in the five seasons between 2008 and 2013.

There are a large number of recordings. It contains the popular tenor ', a that has a considerable performance history in the concert hall.Donizetti insisted on a number of changes from the original Scribe libretto. The best known of these was the insertion of 'Una furtiva lagrima' and the duet between Adina and Nemorino in the first act, 'Chiedi all'aura lusinghiera'.


The melody to the duet 'Io son ricco e tu sei bella' in act 2, scene 1 recurs in the final scene of the opera sung by Dulcamara as a solo aria with new scabrous lyrics.The central narrative theme, the triumph of sincerity, is essential to the; musically, in Donizetti's hands, the treatment became more romantic than in the Auber version: L'elisir d'amore features three big duets between the tenor and soprano. There is also personal history in this opera. Donizetti's military service was bought by a rich woman, so that, unlike his brother (also a well known composer), he did not have to serve in the Austrian army.Performance history The premiere of L'elisir d'amore took place at the, Milan, on 12 May 1832. Today, the opera is part of the standard repertory.Roles RolePremiere cast,12 May 1832(Conductor: )Nemorino, a simple peasant, in love with AdinaAdina, a wealthy landownerBelcore, a sergeantDr Dulcamara, an itinerant medicine manGiannetta, Adina's friendsopranoPeasants, soldiers of Belcore's platoonSynopsis. Title page of the libretto published by Place: A small village in the Time: The end of the 18th century Act 1 Nemorino, a poor peasant, is in love with Adina, a beautiful landowner, who torments him with her indifference. When Nemorino hears Adina reading to her workers the story of, he is convinced that a magic potion will help him to gain Adina's love. The self-important Sergeant Belcore appears with his regiment and immediately sets about courting Adina in front of everyone.

Nemorino becomes anxious (although, Adina meanwhile secretly derides Belcore's complacency) and, alone with Adina, reveals his love for her. Yet Adina rebuffs him, saying she wants a different lover every day and following her example would do Nemorino better. Nemorino declares that his feelings will never change. The travelling quack doctor, Dulcamara (the self-proclaimed Dr. Encyclopedia), arrives, selling his bottled cure-all to the townspeople. Nemorino innocently asks Dulcamara if he has any of Isolde's love potion.

Despite failing to recognise the name 'Isolde', Dulcamara's commercial talents nevertheless enable him to sell a bottle of the cure-all – in reality only cheap wine – to Nemorino, withdrawing all his savings. Dulcamara' , an itinerant quack and purveyor of 'elixirs' and other tonics, gestures to 'Cochise' (Bruce Cooper), his sly trumpet playing assistant, to call together the townspeople as he sings his act 1 (scene 2) aria 'Udite, udite, o rustici' (Hear me, hear me, o peasants) in a performance of the 's noted 1968 'Wild West' production of L'elisir d'amore, in which the 1832 opera's setting was moved from a village in the Basque country to 1870s Texas.To make a safe escape, Dulcamara tells Nemorino the potion needs 24 hours to take effect – by which time, the doctor will be long gone. Nemorino drinks the potion in a haste in order to watch the effect tomorrow. Emboldened by the 'elixir' (in fact, drunk), Nemorino feigns indifference when he encounters Adina, as he expects that the elixir will facilitate his conquest of Adina the following day.

She becomes increasingly annoyed; perhaps she has feelings for Nemorino after all? Belcore returns and proposes marriage to Adina. Still riled by Nemorino and wishing to give him a lesson, Adina falsely promises to marry Belcore in six days' time. Yet Nemorino only laughs in response: such confidence is sustained in the belief in the magic potion. However, when Belcore learns that his regiment must leave the next morning, Adina promises to marry him before his departure.

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This of course panics Nemorino, who cries out for Dr. Dulcamara to come to his aid. Adina, meanwhile, invites everyone to the wedding.Act 2 Adina and Belcore's wedding party is in full swing.

Dulcamara encourages Adina to sing a duet with him to entertain the guests. The notary arrives to make the marriage official. Adina is annoyed to see that Nemorino has not appeared, for the whole deal has been intended only to punish him. While everyone goes to witness the signing of the wedding contract, Dulcamara stays behind, helping himself to food and drink.

Having seen the notary, Nemorino appears, depressed, as he believes that he has lost Adina. He sees Dulcamara and frantically begs him for a more powerful, faster-acting elixir. Although Dulcamara is proud to boast of his philanthropy, upon discovering that Nemorino now has no money he changes his tune and marches off, refusing to supply him anything.

Belcore emerges, musing about why Adina has suddenly put off the wedding and signing of the contract. He spots Nemorino and asks his rival why he is depressed. When Nemorino says he needs cash, Belcore suggests joining the army, as he'll receive funds on the spot. Belcore tries to excite Nemorino with tales of military life, while Nemorino only thinks of getting the potion and thus winning Adina, if only for a day before departure. Belcore produces a contract, which Nemorino signs in return for the money.

Nemorino privately vows to rush and buy more potion, while Belcore muses about how sending Nemorino off to war has so easily dispatched his rival.After the two men have left, Giannetta gossips with the women of the village. Swearing them all to secrecy, she reveals that Nemorino's uncle has just died and left his nephew a large fortune. However, neither Nemorino nor Adina is yet aware of this. Nemorino enters, having spent his military signing bonus on – and consumed – a large amount of the fake elixir from Dr. Hoping to share his fortune, the women approach Nemorino with overly friendly greetings. So out of character is this that Nemorino takes it as proof of the elixir's efficacy. Adina sees Nemorino with the women, is rattled by his newfound popularity, and asks Dr.

Dulcamara for an explanation. Unaware that Adina is the object of Nemorino's affection, Dulcamara explains that Nemorino spent his last penny on the elixir and joined the army for money to get more, so desperate was he to win the love of some unnamed cruel beauty. Adina immediately recognises Nemorino's sincerity, regrets her behaviour and realises that she has loved Nemorino all along. Although Dulcamara seizes the opportunity to try to sell her some of his potion to win back Nemorino, Adina declares that she has full confidence in her own powers of attraction. ^, pp. 37–38.

Retrieved 14 September 2013. But 'in a small Italian Village' is noted in the Schirmer English edition of the score. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 5th ed., 1954. 'St. James's Theatre', 30 December 1866, p. 15., Met Opera on Demand.Sources.

Allitt, John Stewart (1991), Donizetti: in the light of Romanticism and the teaching of Johann Simon Mayr, Shaftesbury: Element Books, Ltd (UK); Rockport, MA: Element, Inc. (1982), Donizetti and His Operas, Cambridge University Press. Ashbrook, William (1998). ' L'elisir d'amore'. London: Macmillan. Ashbrook, William; Sarah Hibberd (2001), in (Ed.), The New Penguin Opera Guide, New York: Penguin Putnam. Black, John (1982), Donizetti's Operas in Naples, 1822–1848.

London: The Donizetti Society. Loewenberg, Alfred (1970).

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Annals of Opera, 1597–1940, 2nd edition. Rowman and Littlefield. (1994), The Bel Canto Operas of Rossini, Donizetti, and Bellini, Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press., (Ed.); John Tyrell (Exec. Ed.) (2004),.

London: Macmillan. (eBook). Schirmer, G.

(1990/91), L'elisir d'amore in Collection of Opera Librettos. Weinstock, Herbert (1963), Donizetti and the World of Opera in Italy, Paris, and Vienna in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, New York: Octagon, 1963 and 1979.External links.: Scores at the (IMSLP). (Italian). (in English) (in French) &. on,.

Diakses tanggal January 24, 2014. Diakses tanggal 13 February 2015. Diakses tanggal November 11, 2014. (August 2, 2006). Diakses tanggal 2009-12-22. Kilgour, a distinguished librarian who nearly 40 years ago transformed a consortium of Ohio libraries into what is now the largest library cooperative in the world, making the catalogs of thousands of libraries around the globe instantly accessible to far-flung patrons, died on Monday in Chapel Hill, N.C. February 10, 2015.

Diakses tanggal February 13, 2014.Pustaka tambahan. Grossman, Wendy M. (21 January 2009).Pranala luar.Lihat pula., dilayani oleh Research Libraries UK.