We deliver extremely low resistance over a wide range of frequencies.Inductors, also called coils or reactors, are passive electrical components which resist the changes in electrical current that pass through them. Core materials, types of windings, and geometry play critical roles in inductor performance.An inductor fact? Any subpar characteristic will cause both high resistance and poor efficiency.Laird inductors are designed to provide very low AC and DC resistance for a wide variety of products such as power supplies, LED drives, amplifiers and more.Composed of unique formulas of nickel zinc and manganese ferrite material, powder iron, and metal alloy, Laird inductors are smaller, lighter, and stronger. Each line surpasses rigorous industry standards of structure and performance.

  1. Ferrite Core Inductor Software Engineer Programs
Ferrite Core Inductor Software EngineerFerrite core inductor software engineer definition

Our offerings include ferrite chips as well as automotive, power, and molded inductors – each designed to perform and maximize power efficiency. Other benefits include:. Fully automatic manufacturing. High reliability AEC-Q200.

Ferrite Core Inductor Software Engineer Programs

RoHS Compliant. Flat wire windingYou are encouraged to see our catalogue for more details and specifications.