In today's volatile, complex and fast-moving business world, it can be difficult to gauge how sound a company really is. An apparently strong balance sheet and impressive reported profits may be hiding all sorts of problems that could even spell bankruptcy. So how do you:- Know whether a company is well run and doing well?- Decide which ratios and benchmarks to use to assess performance?- Work out if a company has massaged its results?- Recognise the danger signs on the corporate horizon?- Compare companies operating in different sectors or countries?These and many other important questions are answered in a completely updated and revised sixth edition of this clear and comprehensive guide. It is aimed at anyone who wants to understand a company's annual report, judge a customer's creditworthiness, assess a company's investment potential, and much more.
In today's volatile, complex and fast-moving business world, it can be difficult to gauge how sound a company really is. An apparently strong balance sheet and impressive reported profits may be hiding all sorts of problems that could even spell bankruptcy. So how do you:- Know whether a company is well run and doing well?- Decide which ratios and benchmarks to use to assess performance?- Work out if a company has massaged its results?- Recognise the danger signs on the corporate horizon?- Compare companies operating in different sectors or countries?These and many other important questions are answered in a completely updated and revised sixth edition of this clear and comprehensive guide.
It is aimed at anyone who wants to understand a company's annual report, judge a customer's creditworthiness, assess a company's investment potential, and much more.
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